Trustee Committee Members
Dr. Andrew Jackson (Secretary)
Rev. Dr. Jennifer Brown (Conf. Secretary)
The SRF Committee

Prof. John Hedley Brooke
Professor John Hedley Brooke was educated at Cambridge University, obtaining a first class degree in the natural sciences (1965) and a doctorate for work on the history of chemistry (1969). For 30 years he taught at Lancaster University, becoming a member of the International Academy of the History of Science in 1993. In 1995, with Professor Geoffrey Cantor, he gave the Gifford Lectures at Glasgow University.

Dr. Celia E. Deane-Drummond
Vice President
Celia Deane-Drummond is currently Director of the Laudato Si’ Research Institute and Senior Research Fellow in theology at Campion Hall, University of Oxford. She was previously Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana from 2011-2019. She is also honorary visiting Professor in Theology and Science at the University of Durham, UK.

Dr. Finley Lawson
Chair and Acting Conference Secretary
Finley Lawson graduated from Heythrop College with a BA (Hons) in Philosophy and Theology in 2008 and undertook a research masters in philosophy at the same institution (2013) examining the role of relativity in the formation of a coherent model of eternity. He defended his PhD in 2023 at Canterbury Christ Church University applying scientific holistic metaphysics to our discussion of paradox in Christology.

Rev. Dr Jennifer Brown
Jennifer is Director of Training for the College of Preachers and is also a Self-supporting Minister (Associate Priest) in a parish in Oxford Diocese. She was previously Science Missioner, based in the Oxford Diocese and working in partnership with the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science & Religion at Oxford University.

Dr. Nathan Bossoh
Nathan Bossoh earned his PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from UCL in 2022 and is a Research Fellow in History at the University of Southampton. His main research intersects around the themes of science, medicine, museums, environment, and African Studies. core component of his work explores how African knowledge, belief and practice, as well as European perceptions of Africanness, influenced and shaped numerous historical developments in science, medicine, and Western museums.

Mrs. Michelle Lawson
Membership Secretary
Michelle is secondary Headteacher and Director of School Improvement for a Trust in the South East of England. As a teacher of Theology and Philosophy her interests and educational research have been in the areas of Modernity and the Abrahamic faiths, with a particular interest in the impact of philosophy on science, religion and secularism.

Mrs. Maureen Smith
Reviews Editor
Maureen has established a diverse and impactful career in the intersection of science education and religious studies. She has extensive experience in secondary education, with over twenty years of teaching secondary science, specializing in biology. Her experience spans a variety of school environments, including special educational need (SEN), further and higher educational settings.

Prof. Mark Harris
Committee Member
Professor Mark Harris holds the position of the Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion, which is attached to a Professorial Fellowship at Harris Manchester College. As a physicist working in a theological environment, he thinks of himself as a theologian of science, interested in the complex ways that the natural sciences and religious beliefs relate to each other.

Rev. Dr Deborah Mackay
Committee Member
Deborah Mackay studied Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, took her PhD in cell biology at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, and was a research fellow at University College London before moving to Southampton. Now as Professor of Medical Epigenetics, she works on imprinting disorders: rare conditions that occur when molecular processes of human reproduction and development are disturbed.

Mr.Jim McManus
Committee Member
Jim McManus is National Director of Health and Wellbeing for Public Health Wales. He is a Chartered Psychologist, Chartered Scientist, Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health and Fellow of the International Society of Science and Religion. Jim is a Visiting Professor at the University of Hertfordshire and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol Division of Population Health Sciences.

Dr. Andrew Jackson
Committee Member
Andrew holds a BA and MA in zoology, and a PhD in bioengineering. He worked for 30 years in the development of medical products and technologies. He then worked for the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambridge as their Director of External Affairs before taking early retirement to study academic theology.

Rev. Mathews George
Committee Member
Rev. Mathews George is ordained minister and researcher in the Mar Thoma Syrian Church. Currently he serves as a lecturer in theology at DJVP ( Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth) a Seminary near New Delhi, India. He holds Masters degrees in Clinical Psychology ( Christ University, Bengaluru) and Theology( United Theological College, Bengaluru) and enjoys the field of Science Engaged Theology.